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+506 4500-4520


Mundo Milo Eco Lodge

Playa Junquillal, Santa Cruz, Guanacaste.

Enjoy your stay at our dream Mundo Milo Eco Lodge, Lieke van de Loo & Michiel Breman


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    About Us

    Mundo Milo Eco Lodge contributes to sustainable eco-tourism. The lodge is constructed from natural materials as much as possible and we built it with local people from Junquillal to keep employment close. The lodge consists over 5000 m² and we cut as less trees as possible to keep the natural habitat of the monkeys and other wildlife intact.


    Our waste is recycled and any damage or pollution of our environment is avoided. The Lodge offically opened in may 2009. Mundo means world in Spanish and Milo is a combination of some letters of our names, so feel welcome to our world with an international cuisine and accomodations in different world styles.